
IAYM supports the missions projects of the following organizations:

Friends United Meeting
An international association of Friends meetings and churches.

Evangelical Friends Missions
The cooperative missions arm of Evangelical Friends International.

And missionaries from Iowa Yearly Meeting:

Sam & Becky Barber – Belize
Their Facebook page – Timothy Impact

They are working to strengthen the church in Belize City so it is better equipped to address the many issues of gang violence and brokenness in Belize City. Some of those ways of equipping is having various cell groups in our home, workshops, counseling and encouraging other ministries.

Nathan & Brianna Martin – Cambodia

Nathan & Brianna Martin

Beginning July 1st, 2020 Nathan accepted a role as a Regional Mobilization Manager for OMF focused on Iowa and S. Minnesota. Nathan’s mobilization work includes coaching new missionaries headed to Cambodia, conversations on missionary life, reaching out to churches and colleges to explore ways to be involved in missions, coordinating short term missions trips, and praying with the church for the world.

Mission Scholarships:

Adult Mission Scholarship Fund Guidelines (Printable PDF)
Youth Mission Scholarship Fund Guidelines (Printable PDF)

Other Materials:

Mission Challenge (Printable PDF)
Provides twelve approximately five-minute presentations that can be used once a month for a year or once a week for a quarter or you can be creative and adapt them to your church situation. These will provide a broad world outlook and the need for missions as well as opening your eyes to the persecution of Christians that is happening around the world.

Prayer Labyrinth (Printable PDF)
A way to facilitate meditation and prayer that will draw you closer to God personally and provide the opportunity to pray for Friends mission efforts Iowa Yearly Meeting encourages and supports.

Guidelines for effective intercession (Printable PDF)

How to spend an hour in prayer (Printable PDF)