Churches seeking Pastoral Leadership:
- Bear Creek Friends Church is a welcoming and family focused faith community in a growing rural area. We are located thirty miles west of the capital city, Des Moines, IA. We are seeking a bi-vocational or semi-retired pastor. Our church, with a rich Quaker history, started in 1854 as a house church and members participated in the Underground Railroad. The present building was built around 1875 and has had several renovations since then. We are seeking a pastor who is familiar with and respectful of the Quaker tradition, and that honors Scripture as inspired by the Holy Spirit. We hope to find a spirit filled leader to teach and guide our church in alignment with biblical truth. Prospective candidates will need to provide leadership through spirit led, biblically based sermons delivered weekly; lead and work with young families; continue to support the older members; offer spiritual guidance; visit shut-ins and members in nursing homes and hospitals; and assist with community outreach. Bear Creek is a small but growing congregation with great hope for the future. Salary is negotiable and a parsonage may be available. Please send responses to Clerk of Ministry and Counsel, Eldonna Coulter, at [email protected]. For more information about Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends, contact General Superintendent, Manny Garcia at [email protected].
- Lynnville Friends Church is seeking our next Pastor. We are located at 503 East St, in Lynnville, lowa. We are a member of lowa Yearly Meeting of Friends. We have a Passion for God and Compassion for people. We have a strong Wednesday night program including bible studies, Jr and Sr high programs, along with our Kids 4 Christ program. Along with our Church building we have a youth center with a youth room, basketball court and full kitchen, and a parsonage all located on the same property. Visit our web site at Lynnville Friends- Reaching, Engaging and Preparing Hearts for Christ. Please send resume with references to [email protected]. For more information about Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends, contact General Superintendent, Manny Garcia at [email protected].
- Salem Friends Church, a member of Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends, is seeking our next Pastor. Salem Friends was the first Friends Church started west of the Mississippi River. We have a rich heritage of kingdom impact including playing a significant role in the Underground Railroad. It is our desire to continue to have a kingdom influence in the community and world through a clear vision of making disciples of Jesus. Candidates should be able to align with the Iowa Yearly Meeting tenets of faith outlined in our book of discipline, and have a personal, active, and growing relationship with Jesus. Salem Friends is located in the small and friendly town of Salem, Iowa. The community is very active and includes several young families. A well-kept parsonage in the heart of the community is provided as part of the salary package. Salem is 30 miles from Burlington, IA and 60 miles from Iowa City. Interested individuals should send a resume with references and a cover letter to [email protected]. For more information about Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends, contact General Superintendent, Manny Garcia at [email protected].